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How to start? -  Tips for Little beginners ...

How to start? - Tips for Little beginners ...

Let's begin with a small explanation of practice both the AB form and the DL form. The only requirement to be met is self-acceptance ABDL parts in yourself. For many this may seem obvious and yet many new people on this topic are afraid to admit that they are or want to be an ABDL in the case of the AB form they feel it in themselves (emotionally) and in the case of DL they are attracted to them erotically. Acceptance is the key to it, to begin, as the sense of guilt in our topic is derived from the lack of social acceptance for all otherness and this has its origins in the conservative way of thinking and, in a sense, the history of humanity. People are naturally afraid of what they do not understand and fear involves reluctance and ease in rejecting someone who is socially just different or has different views or preferences. Credibility in our own eyes falls apart when we do not know or do not understand why we do what we do, or why we are interested in this topic and therefore acceptance and therefore cognition is necessary when we want to practice ABDL and practically every topic we want to practice.

The next step after acceptance is to visualize yourself, how you perceive yourself in any given moment and how you want to perceive yourself in your fantasies. An AB Form uses regression, or deliberate introduction to the child's like mental state, and the DL form uses erotic fantasies as a visualization. In both cases the visualization is personal and different for everyone as each has a slightly different self-image as well as slightly different erotic fantasies. Visualization is best done in loneliness thinking about yourself, trying to see yourself in a given role and try to classify yourself in one of the forms and thus choose which form you want to practice. Visualization is not constant as with the growth of knowledge and experience in given topic you naturally change and your visualization adapt to the needs of a specific person that you are. Doing so makes an ideal opcion to find out of what are your personal needs. It is important not to get attached to one visualization scene and one looped image of yourself and to try to imagine yourself in a different but similar situation with every visualization. In order to present this issue in a simple way, I will close it at the stage of the day and so at the first visualization we can imagine how the perfect morning looks like. In next move, how the day runs and so with the next visualizations imagine the next scenes until the, perfect day's picture is complete. Interesting (though not obligatory) may be to write down your visualization and after a few visualizations compare the first and the present description, observe how the self-image has changed since the first time. Of course, the idea of ​​writing a visualization is for the willing and it is neither required nor obligatory, it is for your own use and benefits…

As for practice, we start, of course, from the purchase of the products and here I recommend looking for and buying products as close as possible to those seen in the visualization, because thanks to this your experience in practice will be as real as more reality will be close to visualization. Products such as diapers, teats, bottles, baby formula, creams, olives or baby powder can be easily purchased at the Pharmacy and for the sake of pretense of innocence I suggest you visit two pharmacies (in one you buy the right size matching nappies for the you and it the other Pharmacy, buy children's products). The transaction itself is no different from the purchase of bread or any other product, and I assure you of that. It would be ideal to just enter, make a purchase at maximum relaxation, in the same way as you buy other products. Diapers, of course, come in many sizes and brands, and there is no one ideal recipe for one ideal product as each has its own needs and for one requirement will be the capacity and for the other the comfort of wearing. You have to try yourself and test your needs with a method of trials and errors.

Here we get to the practice itself and again we have to divide into two groups, the form of AB and the form of DL as the understanding of these forms changes the way they are practiced.

People who are AB will put more emphasis on practice as a child (and the age of the mental child is dependent on the person for which there is no rule), they will be looking for newer and more interesting ways to resemble behaviour during practice (in the case of having a second person close to them, they will seek to create a relationship with the carer / child in order to have a relationship close to parental). People who describe themselves as AB will pay much attention to the tone of voice, emotions and memories that will drive visualization and thanks to this practice itself. People who are DL will focus on satisfying physical needs by playing erotic scenes or masturbating using elements such as diapers as an erotic stimulus. People who are DL will focus on physical sensations and a pure sense of accomplishment. Relationships in which such people may enter are usually relationships that dominate in order to create a given emotional bond, although, there is rarely anything more than satisfying sexual needs. Both of these practices, however, are part of a common whole and to fully understand what ABDL is for a given person, I recommend to try both forms at least once.

There are many different questions that people associated with this topic ask themselves, and every doubt and every question, despite the duplication of content is different because each person is different and has a different story and a different concept of what this topic is and how to understand it. The most frequently asked question: 1. Is this a mental illness? - And here, according to the list of psychiatry and sexology, ABDL belongs to the paraphilic disorders of human sexuality and if we are to look only at the erotic sphere, it can be considered as a disease, although erotic preferences are individual and determination of stereotypical erotic patterns borders on the impossible taking into account the number of people in a given society and possible erotic stimulus. If we are talking about ABDL as a lifestyle, it is definitely not a disease but rather a psychological form of stress therapy. 2. Why am I like this? - There may be a lot of reasons or there may be just one. ABDL, depending on what form we are talking about, accepts various possible causes. And so, for the AB form, the following reasons are possible: lack of social acceptance, lack of self-acceptance, childhood trauma, frequent nostalgic desire to return to childhood to experience a similar sense of carefree, defense mechanism of the mind (stress related to the duties of adult life), unmet needs of so called The Maslow Pyramid (Need for Security, Need for Membership, Need for Ties / Affirmation), curiosity of cognition.

For the DL form, the possible causes are difficult to specify as we close ourselves in the person's personal experiences and sexuality (not only sexual orientation but also sexual identification), fantasies and ideals resulting from the person's experiences and perceptions.

The motives for both these forms may be psychological and may be the resultant of many factors. They may have a single motive and there is no clear principle or pattern here.

3. How to manage life as ABDL with a normal life? - It all depends on how a person approaches both these aspects of life. There are people who simply separate the two worlds and do not combine one lifestyle with another, there are also people who practice a given form doing it for a specific reason and which gives them that particular result. Reconciling adult life and living as an ABDL does not necessarily have to be a big problem as it is simply a set of activities that a person performs for a specific purpose is the same with sport, professional work, artistic work and any form of activity that can be imagined.

4. Should I tell my relatives (girlfriend / boyfriend, wife / husband/ family) about it? - Personally, I think that a relationship based on lies will not last long time and a person who is ABDL will strangle in himself or herself what is also ashamed of this in front of his / her loved one. I admit it is not easy and requires a lot of trust and courage as the topic is quite delicate and you can easily create wrong and unfair conjectures, but it is possible. What's more, it brings great results as the relationship has the opportunity to develop a new form of interpersonal relationship. It allows you to get to know each other better and live together better. Everything, of course, also depends on the personal views and character of the person whom we want to say about it. If we find a person with extremely conservative views, saying that he/she accept this topic may be a problem, but if we find an open-minded person who has the ability to understand another people, then such a conversation should be positive and beneficial. There are a lot of questions of this type as each person asks similar but slightly different questions as well as each person is slightly different. While I am an ABDL and I’m giving advice to new people, I will allow myself to these few:

1. Do not be afraid to know in yourself, what many consider strange, because what is strange is beautiful, just not yet fully understood, undiscovered. 2. Do not force yourself to anything, think about it, talk to yourself and try to understand yourself. 3. Keep moderation, anything that is excessively harmful, so diapers as they become everyday life will become so familiar to us that we stop feeling this magical thing that calls us to them. It is better to gradually get used to them and treat them as a pleasant addition, because then they give us the most. 4. The mostly important I will probably leave at the end, just be yourself!!

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